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Click below to open a new adventure filled page for each day survived in the Everglades Wilderness!

Hello, Paul here. This is a real story about my solo adventure of 11 Days circumnavigating a large section of the Everglades Wilderness Waterway in the sailing outrigger canoe "Robinson Calusa" from 3/22/08 to 4/1/08. The goal of this Everglades water world adventure was to experience as much as reasonably possible in two short weeks, I am a working man. The memorial adventure voyage is dedicated to my lifelong friend, environmentalist, naturalist, organic cousin, Calusa spirit, and just a great person, Park Ranger Steve Robinson. If you would like to learn more about this save the Earth spirit please visit the links below.

Ranger Steve Robinson - Youtube Slide Show Memorial - Steve and Amelia music

Steve was the oldest of the kids in our close Clark (Mom) side of the family. I came along a few years later followed by nine more sisters and 1st cousins. Steve and I did a fair amount of adventure sailing in our later teens, therefore 'Robinson Calusa', 18' of outrigger sailing canoe with Steve's roots and soul. Please see the 'Build' page above for details on the making of 'Robinson Calusa'

161 miles of wild adventure later and I am a changed soul. Steve meant a lot to me, I had to do this final adventure for us! I can now move on knowing Jiminy Cricket will be sitting atop my shoulder on future expedetions as well.

'ALL' GPS track points here!

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